21 December 2005


1. "I heart my job, what about you?"
This is from the really neat blog, Hello, my name is BLOG from Scott Ginsberg of St. Louis, Missouri. He's created a pin that says "I [ heart symbol] my job" (which he sells on the site...) and suggests our wearing one everywhere. It might get people to ask questions like:
"Why do you love your job?"
"What do you do?"
You would then have an opportunity to tell people what you do and why you love being a librarian. Interesting concept, eh?

Look at it at: http://hellomynameisscott.blogspot.com/2005/12/

2. Starbucks makes friends
Also from Hello, my name is BLOG, Scott talks about a Starbucks that let customers "buy" [for a donation to charity] a mug with their name on it and leave it there for the next time they came in. What at neat idea! You could sell the mug for a small amount or use the donation idea. It would show who your regular customers are and raise money as well. Get the CEO to participate and I bet a whole lot of others will follow.

See the whole article at: http://hellomynameisscott.blogspot.com/2005/12/

3. Get your catalog on their browser!
There's a Firefox plug-in that lets you make your catalog one of the pull-down options on the search screen--just like Google or Yahoo or Amazon. I haven't tried it myself, being not as technologically inclined as I'd like to be, but you might want to try it.

Check it out at: http://tametheweb.com/2005/12/every_library_catalog_needs_on.html

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