15 April 2007


Australian Law Blogs: mostly IP related, but there are others, URL: http://www.djacobson.com/australian_law_blogs/

InfoLaw: mostly UK, but some from Ireland, by type of law, directories, job blawgs, newsfeeds, URL: http://www.infolaw.co.uk/lawfinder/browse_type.asp?typ=Blogs

BlawgSearch: lists the most popular, by categories, recent posts, etc. URL: http://blawgsearch.justia.com/

Law Library Blogs and Blogs by Law Librarians or Law Library Associations, from the University of Wisconsin Law Library, includes 113 blogs with sponsoring library or association, very current, URL: http://library.law.wisc.edu/wisblawg/blogslistpublic.htm

newly updated, lists in same categories as BlawgSearch, URL:http://www.blawg.com

Observatory of the Legal Blogosphere: from Portugal, links to law-related blogs in many languages and from many countries, URL: http://www.estig.ipbeja.pt/%7Eobsblogjur/homepageeng.html

Juriblogs: directory of French-language blawgs, URL: http://juriblogs.juridiconline.com/

Blogs juridiques: list on international law portal, Droit, URL: http://droit.francophonie.org/df-web/listeRessources.do?categoryId=89

Thanks to Michel-Adrien Sheppard (Library Boy, Supreme Court of Canada) for this information. (http://micheladrien.blogspot.com/2007/04/australian-blawg-directory.html)

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