23 March 2008


Did you love the Unshelved strip for Tuesday, 18 March as much as I did? It speaks to the authority (or perceived authority) of librarians, but read it for yourself.

URL: http://www.unshelved.com/archive.aspx?strip=20080318

The 15 March issue (v. 133, no. 5) of Library Journal also has a bunch of articles, etc. on the same subject. Get an issue and read them!

Memphis PL Led by Nonlibrarian (p. 18) -- it was all political, but this is a very disturbing trend, first in academic and special libraries and now in public ones.

The Borders Concept, editorial by Francine Fialkoff. "Bookstores modeled on the library--minus the public service ethos." (Did you read that Borders and Barnes and Noble are both in financial difficulties--welcome to the club!) (p. 8)

What's Your Role? Nextgen column by Cari Dubiel (p. 48). "Will the changes you're considering truly enhance your service?"

and a feature article by Debra J. Stone, After Oil (pp. 28-31). "Public libraries will have an important role to play in our new post-peak-oil society. The aftermath of this 'long emergency' must be understood by those in positions to help society adjust to new ways of doing everyday things."

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