12 February 2009


According to Sydney Jones, Research Assistant, and Susannah Fox, Associate Director of the Pew Internet & American Life Project, the vast majority of adults on the internet are between 18 and 54. The largest adult demographic on the internet is Gen Y (ages 18-32) at 30 percent, closely followed by Gen X (33-44) at 23 percent and Young Boomers (45-54) at 22 percent. My generation, the “Older” Boomers (hate that designation), 55-63 (yikes! I’m almost out of the boomers), make up only 13 percent of adults online. (The rest of the groups are the Silent Generation, 64-72, at 7 percent and the G.I. Generation (73+) at 4 percent.

I bet if you did the same study for librarians the older and younger boomers would fare better….

Check out the entire report. While you're in the vicinity, check out other stuff from the Pew Charitable Trusts, especially the Pew Research Center.

URL: http://www.pewinternet.org/pdfs/PIP_Generations_2009.pdf
Pew Charitable Trusts home page: http://www.pewtrusts.org/default.aspx
Internet & American Life: http://www.pewtrusts.org/our_work_category.aspx?id=48
Pew Research Center: http://pewresearch.org/

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