23 May 2006


An article in library + information update 5(1-2): 3, January/February 2006—published by the Chartered Institution of Library and Information Professionals in the UK—states that these are the three factors most likely to cause stress in library workers:
1. “lack of control over their work”
2. “lack of scope to use their skills”
3. “a poor environment”

Not as critical were workload, variety, security, pay (!), social value, role clarity, and opportunities for personal contact. This comes as a bit of a surprise since poor pay, overwork, lack of respect, and professional isolation are the most common things that I hear OPLs complain about.

What is your biggest source of stress? Please reply by posting a comment below.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can understand how librarians working in "traditional" libraries would feel that those are the three biggest problems, particularly lack of scope, since it seems that you are pigeonholed into one small category (reference, cataloging, ILL, etc).

Of course, as solos, we do it all.

My greatest source of stress is projects that arrive that I'm completely unprepared for since they have nothing to do with my training at all. Examples: implementing a testing plan for subscriber access to my journal, or acting as link between four offices to make sure website updates happen on time. It's great experience and I can accomplish them, but on top of the regular work I already have, it's an incredible thing to learn the skills and implement it all at the same time.