30 March 2007


I was reading my March-April issue of Congregational Libraries Today, the journal of the Church and Synagogue Library Association, and came across this great idea for making your own sticky notes. It comes from their president, Maryann Barth [New Port Richey, Florida]. (This isn’t the first good idea I got from this organization—consider joining just for the magazine. Membership is just US$35 for a personal membership. A real bargain.

To make the notes, create the text on your computer, then print them on colored paper, four to a sheet. Pale colors (pink, yellow, green, or blue) work best. After printing, cut the paper in quarters. When you need to use the note, just wipe a glue stick across the top. (You could probably print them on 3-M’s PostIt© 8-1/2x11 paper, but this way you can use them as regular notes if they don’t need to be sticky.)

She suggests printing the name of your library, address, location, phone number, and hours. I would add your name, email, and website. Also, your logo and/or motto. You can request a free Word template by email from libraries@distantwind.com (a graphics company—I haven’t tried this). Barth ends her article, “These notes get a lot of attention. Enjoy your creativity and get your message out!” Amen.

URL: Church & Synagogue Library Association: http://cslainfo.org/membership.html

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