06 October 2007


China Financial Markets, a blog from Michael Pettis [Peking University, China]. Good for current information and analysis.


National Museum of African American History and Culture
Check out the Museum’s new website. It looks nice, There are sections on Milestones and Benchmarks, Exhibitions and Programs, Collections, Education, Collaboration, and more.


Philosophy Research Base
From Erratic Impact, there is the history of philosophy, various philosophical topics, philosophers by name, philosophy departments, philosopher home pages, philosophy journals and organizations. You can search for new and used books (on Amazon or Powell’s Books). Featured websites include: American philosophy, analytic philosophy, ecological philosophy, queer theory, angst/dread/phobia, feminist philosophy and ecofeminism, music theory and ethnomusicology [which is usually part of anthropology], philosophy by time period (ancient, medieval, modern, 19th century, 20th century), and political theory. Interesting and somewhat unique site.

URL: http://www.erraticimpact.com/

Tufts University Courses for Free
Tufts [Medford Massachusetts, USA] OpenCourseware is part of a new educational movement initiated by MIT that provides free access to course content for everyone online.” Currently, the only courses available are in the areas of Histology, Human-Animal Relationships, Law and Veterinary Medicine, Population Health, Veterinary Respiratory Pathophysiology, and Zoological Medicine—but they promise more in the future. This is a very interesting concept.


Five-Part Series of Web Resources for Students

From Scholatici (a project of Gideon Addington—student at the University of Oklahoma, Norman, USA), this is a series in honor of Student Productivity Week. You may find something new here for your customers. Thanks to Librarian in Black for the information.

The five parts are: (go to the Student Help Forum section)
  1. Beyond Wikipedia: 20 References You Can’t Do Without
  2. Books on the Web (e-books)
  3. The Full System: Note Taking, Scheduling, and Studying
  4. The 10 Best Facebook Apps for Students and 3 to Avoid
  5. 6 Facebook Apps for Students and everyone else

URL: http://www.studenthelpforum.com/

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