25 April 2009


Jessamyn West has a great entry in her "tech tips for every librarian" column in the May issue of Computers in Libraries (v. 29, n. 5). In "Mobility in and Around the Library," she discusses three kinds of mobility.

Patron mobility is making it easier for customers to connect wherever they are in the library. For instance, instead of telling them not to drape computer cords across aisles to plug into wall sockets, move furniture to where there are outlets or add outlets to areas where customers may want to sit and connect their laptops.

Content mobility is using whatever software is best for the customers, not the library. She advocates using Firefox instead of Internet Explorer, but thinks Chrome might be another good alternative.

Finally, accessibility and mobility covers making everything available to those with sight, mobility, or other physical challenges. One idea that I personally use is a trackball instead of a mouse.

For details on the above and much more, see the full article. (It may be available free online later--check at http://www.infotoday.com under the Computers in Libraries link.)

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