06 April 2006


This is great!

“The library staff welcomes you to our library, which is designed to meet your legal information needs through a growing collection of electronic and print resources, value-added services such as research assistance and small-group workshops, and study space for individuals and groups.

“Even when not physically present in the library, you may take advantage of our website to search our many databases, read library publications, or contact us with a reference questions or inter-library loan request. The website has links and information that will help you meet the challenges of today’s fast-paced legal profession. Feel free to contact me or any member of the library staff when you have questions or need assistance.”

Signed, Tim Chinaris, Associate Dean for Information Resources and Director of the Law Library, Jones School of Law, Faulkner University, Montgomery, Alabama, USA.

How do you welcome new employees, students, faculty, residents?

(Thanks to Michael Stephens, Tame The Web: Libraries and Technology blog.)

Jones School of Law Library: http://www.faulkner.edu/jsl/library.asp
Tame The Web: Libraries and Technology: http://tametheweb.com

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