22 February 2006


I have just had my second refereed article published—the last was in 1983!). Here is the cite:

Siess, Judith A., Strategic Planning for Hospital Libraries, Journal of Hospital Librarianship 5(5):37-49, 2005.
Abstract: Strategic planning, the structured way of dealing with the uncertainty of the future, need not be feared by librarians. It can be done in four simple steps. First, analyze the library's present situation. Second, develop alternative futures for the library and determine the preferred scenario by examining the library's vision and mission statements, then develop objectives and goals. Third, write the action plan, the specific steps for achieving the objectives and goals in step two. Last, implement the plan and review and evaluate it to determine if the goals and objectives are being met. Case studies illustrating successful and unsuccessful implementation of strategic planning are included.

I’m quite proud of it. If you absolutely cannot get a copy, I have a few reprints that I can send out. Contact me at jsiess@ibi-opl.com

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