20 February 2006


Just a quick post to tell you about a neat new piece of technology. ATIZ announced its BookDrive "the world's first and only desktop-sized, automatic page-turning scanner." It's pricey (about US$35,000) but is a fascinating development if you want to do a lot of digitizing. Check it out at http://www.atiz.com/BookDrive.php

1 comment:

Jill Hurst-Wahl said...

What we don't know about the BookDrive is how gentle it is on the books and pages. This will depend on the technology it uses to turn the pages. I hope that they will post a video or even testimonials on their web site about this.

The Kirtas automated book scanner will digitize 1200 and 2400 pages/hour respectively. Of course, they are more expensive ($149K and $189K), but are known to be very gentle on the books, even books that are 500 years old. (See this post for more information.